Crown lengthening

Do you feel your teeth look too short and your smile is too gummy or your gums cover too much of some teeth while leaving the others the right length? Crown lengthening is the solution for you. During this procedure, excess gum tissue is removed to expose more of the crown of the tooth. Then your gumline is sculpted to give your new smile just the right look Perhaps your tooth is decayed, broken below the gum line, or has insufficient tooth structure for a restoration, such as a crown or bridge. Crown lengthening adjusts the gum and bone level to expose more of the tooth so it can be restored.

From our Cases

Case 1

Case 1: When decay or cavities attaque the tooth subgingivally, a violation of the biologic width will occur, inflammation of the gum and moderate to severe attachement loss will be present too. In this case, a surgical crown lengthening has saved the two maxillary left premolar of this 54 years old woman. After 10 weeks of healing, two ceramo-metalic crowns are placed to restore the case. Surgery done by Dr Walid El-Kattar

Case 2

Case 2: Old crowns on the first and second left mandibular premolars, has to be replaced by new ones due to recession and cavities under these crowns. A surgical crown lengthening is perform to create a new perspectif of the future crown, without harming the gum or the biologic width. Surgery done by Dr Walid El- Kattar

Case 3

Case 3: Even a fractured tooth can be saved by a surgical crown lengthening, by replacing all subgingivally prosthetic limits by a gingivally levels. This is the case of this young 28 years old man who fractured his upper first right premolar. Now a new crown has to be placed without harming the surrounding tissue of this tooth. Surgery done by Dr Walid El-Kattar

Case 4

Case 4: When we have sufficient attached gingival and important length of the remaining root of the teeth, a surgical crown lengthening can recreate the vertical loss of the tooth height due to parafonction occlusion like the case of this 78 years old heavy bruxer patient. After the procedure we gain 3 mm in height in the vertical dimension of all the remaining teeth. Surgery done by Dr Walid El-Kattar