That depends on what is causing it. Often, bad breath results from less-than-optimal oral health, and sometimes people are not aware that they are not performing oral hygiene as effectively as they could be. A dental hygienist or dentist will be able to evaluate your oral health procedures and make recommendations for improvement; also, these professionals will be able to recognize any associated problems that might be contributing to an unpleasant mouth odor. In addition to evaluating and suggesting alterations to your brushing, flossing, and tongue deplaquing regimen, your dental hygienist may recommend products such as a mouth rinse that contains zinc. If it turns out that the problem isn’t in the mouth, a physician appointment is advisable. Sinus problems, stomach problems, certain foods and medications, and other factors can contribute to bad breath.

Anyone can get bad breath. It’s pretty common, and often treatable. So you shouldn’t be ashamed if you have bad breath, even though it can seem super embarrassing.
There’s the temporary ‘I just had garlic and onions on my sandwich at lunch’ bad breath, where these pungent flavors linger in the mouth and lungs. And then there’s bad breath caused by bacteria in your mouth, which is halitosis. This kind can vary in severity, so it can be something you can fix on your own or something you need to see a doctor about it.

Bad breath which is more severe and chronic is typically due to a problem with the makeup of bacteria in your mouth. When you eat, there’s bacteria in your mouth that break down food and proteins — which is a good thing. “Bad breath is caused by the presence of too much anaerobic bacteria ,meaning it does not need oxygen to survive , in the mouth. How can you tell if there’s an imbalance of anaerobic bacteria in your mouth? You can’t. Only a dentist can examine the “bacterial flora” of your mouth and determine what is causing the bad breath. It’s less likely, but sometimes halitosis can be caused by gum disease, gastric reflux, sinus drainage, diabetes, tonsil stones, or other oral diseases. If you improve your oral hygiene and and your breath doesn’t get better, or the stank breath begins very suddenly, you should see a dentist who can better look into the problem and suggest a treatment.

Your sense of smell and taste is based internally, so you become used to your own breath, even if it’s bad. If halitosis is the baseline, you’re not aware of that because the nose becomes de-sensitized. The experts agree that even though it seems literally impossible, you might be doing someone a huge favor by letting them know about their breath in a nice and honest and honest way.
There’s a whole science behind bad breath. When the anaerobic bacteria breaks down food, it will release these things called volatile sulfur compounds (VSCs), which are essentially the bad odors.
Since the bacteria is anaerobic, it likes to hide out in hard-to-reach parts of the mouth where there’s less oxygen. The bacteria usually get stuck in between teeth and in the crevices of the tongue, so there are mechanical things , flossing and brushing , that you have to do in order to move the bacteria from where it has collected. Any trap for the bacteria to collect, such as a large hole in the mouth, cavities, or even braces and wires, should also be cleaned thoroughly. This includes any dental appliances that you wear at night or occasionally like retainers, mouth guards, or dentures

You should ramp up your oral hygiene to the highest level possible, which includes cleaning your tongue before or after your normal brushing routine. Most people use tongue scrapers from the drugstore, a tooth brush or the tongue cleaner on the back of it, or even a plastic spoon.

Saliva helps clean your mouth out by flowing and washing around food particles and bacteria. And in most people, your spit has something in it which helps to control the sulfur compounds and neutralize the bad odor. So if you have bad breath, it could be a problem with your saliva. Or it could be a problem with your saliva flow, salivary glands, or how you breathe, which ends up giving you dry mouth. A typical individual has normal salivary flow… but some things can change salivary flow and can dry out mouth, such as certain medications, radiation and chemo in cancer patients, or some autoimmune diseases like Sjögren’s syndrome. So drinking water frequently to keep your mouth pleasantly watery and staying hydrated all day is a must.
When you sleep, your body slows down as well as your salivary flow, which doesn’t help if you breathe with your mouth open for eight hours. Since these sulfur-producing bacteria thrive in a dry environment, they come out when you sleep and that’s why your breath smells bad after waking up. Obviously, morning stank breath can be worse for some than others , but it’s still a natural product of sleeping, so you can’t really end it. Make sure you always floss, brush, and rinse after your last meal before bed and in the morning, because the bacteria have increased overnight.

When it comes to nutrition, keeping your breath fresh doesn’t mean strictly avoiding aromatic foods and spices. What you eat can help prevent tooth decay, gum disease, and gastroenteritis, which are all associated with bad breath. Fox explains, Preventing bad breath includes eating a balanced diet, with three meals a day, and having a good balance of protein, fruits, and vegetables.

As mentioned before, it’s the mechanical movements like brushing and flossing that will actually remove the bad breath bacteria. Mouthwash and other topical solutions can help to wash the stuff away after cleaning, but they really only mask the the problem. They should never be used as a replacement for proper oral hygiene. And actually, it could even make it worse. If your mouthwash has alcohol, your breath might be fresh for 30 minutes from the added mint flavors, but then the alcohol will dry your mouth out even more, which only makes a better environment for the odor-producing bacteria. If you do use mouthwash, try alcohol-free or antibacterial rinses, which don’t dry out your mouth as much, but act directly to kill odor-causing bacteria and fight plaque.

Not everyone’s breath is affected by alcohol or cigarettes, but if you do have bad breath, they’re only making the problem worse. They both dry out your mouth, and smoking increases your risk of gum disease and other oral problems, which are associated with halitosis. Plus, cigarettes reek in general, so obviously they’ll do a number on your breath. Similar to nutrition, adjusting your drinking and smoking habits is a good way to look for improvement in your breath.

Not only does sugar cause cavities and rot your teeth, but it can actually help feed the bacteria that causes bad breath. Additionally, if you have bad breath and constantly chew gum or pop mints, they should always be sugar-free.
The caffeine can dry out your mouth, inviting all that bacteria to come hang out and make your breath stank. Add to that the fact that coffee has a lingering smell, and you’ve got latte breath. Not to mention, it can do a great job of staining your teeth.
It can be a very unpleasant and embarrassing condition. You’ll get a lot of negative reactions from people. They’ll brush their nose, step back, or whisper to a neighbor after you speak. Most people are very shy and don’t go out much, it can get very lonely. It’s important to be more aware of the way you treat people with halitosis by understanding the condition and that it’s not always something a pack of gum will fix. It’s a social problem, really. Maybe even a social disease.
Anyone can get bad breath from a buildup of bacteria, but it’s usually solved with optimal oral hygiene and a combination of a few different products. If you have more severe halitosis, you’ve probably tried everything and it hasn’t really worked. For people with severe halitosis, all the over-the-counter stuff is the same, because none of it works. It is all temporary fix for a much more complex problem.
The biggest insight I have is that there’s no magic cure for halitosis… you can keep trying new stuff, but you need to see a dentist. Seeing a dentist is not a quick-fix, but they can assess the situation and prescribe a variety of proprietary treatment plans. Treatment is usually non-invasive and can include extensive cleaning sessions or prescription rinses and toothpaste to remove all that tricky bacteria from the mouth or help a saliva problem. The general idea is that a professional can help you get back to the point where you can maintain normal breath with proper oral hygiene.

How do I get rid of bad breath?